Corporate Membership Landing Page

Is your organization looking for an impactful way to invest in women’s empowerment?

Does your corporate mission include supporting equity in Japanese society?

Is it important for you to help women in your organization find opportunities to develop professionally and connect with other empowered women in Japan?

Do you want to show you are investing in the following global priorities:

  • Nonprofit communities and ESG Environmental, Social, Governance investments,
  • SDG5 & SDG17 - gender equality & SDG partnership for the Goals,
  • DEI initiatives that support diversity, equity and inclusion for women’s talent,
  • Supporting action on womxn’s empowerment and equality in Japan.

Meet FEW Japan

FEW Japan is a Not-for-Profit Association networking multilingual, global-minded women in Japan. Founded in 1981, we are the longest running women’s organization supporting English-speaking women in Japan. Our member-serving programs and events are conducted in English but welcome women of ALL nationalities, including bilingual Japanese women looking for a progressive space of empowering community where solidarity, gender equality and English-speaking are just normal. FEW itself has evolved in terms of diversity and equity to provide inspiration for corporations wishing to do the same.

Become an Organizational / Corporate Member

Our membership activities are supported by a wide variety of organizations, including large corporations, multinationals with offices in Japan, innovative start-ups, SMEs, nonprofits, and community organizations. They all have in common a practical desire to show their support for our mission and for investing in women’s empowerment in Japan.

Read more about the Benefits of Membership!

Sponsorship Deck page 5

What level of membership is right for your organization?

Organizational Members

¥100,000 per year / minimum 2 year commitment
  • For SMEs, Solopreneurs, small Nonprofits, Charities or other Community-based Organizations Etc.

Corporate Sustaining Members

¥500,000 per year / minimum 2 year commitment
  • For established medium-sized companies, universities, NGOs, Associations, Foundations etc.

Strategic Sustaining Members

¥1,000,000 per year / minimum 2 year commitment
  • For larger companies, organizations, universities, domestic/international NGOs, Associations, Foundations etc.
Four Seasons