How I Got Here: Aya McCrindle

In my life, I’ve experience five personal ‘tsunamis’ that threatened to leave me broken, but instead gave me strength and led to the creation of the Find Your Element Workshop, a 12 week creative evening program that takes participants on a step by step journey of self-awareness and exploration.
I was 24 when the first tsunami occurred: my 14-year-old sister came to live with me after my parents’ divorce. The second tsunami happened at age 27, when I bought the modeling agency my sisters and I worked for, but had overpaid. The third tsunami occurred when I had to take care of my mom who developed atypical Alzheimer’s in her late 40s, in addition to caring for my son, my company, and my husband.
The fourth tsunami was my first divorce, when my husband dealt with money issues with his business, and the fifth tsunami occurred when I was divorced for the second time, having retired from running my modeling agency at my husband’s request and dealt with unsuccessful attempts at in vitro fertilization. At that time, I felt so torn apart, and experienced dark, painful thoughts.
But I gained strength from these tsunamis in my life (and then some!), out of which the Find Your Element (FYE) Workshop was born. During these 12-week, bi-seasonal workshops, experts from various fields furnish participants with useful life tools to discover their very own Elements and learn ways to maximize their potential.
I also found my own Element as a Connector thanks to these experiences and the empowering women I met through FEW. FEW is also where I first met women asking for English meditation and other services offered in our workshops. I am so grateful for everything that happened and all the amazing cheerleaders who support this precious organization for the English-speaking community. Now, everything I do is related to Find Your Element, which is so rewarding and therapeutic. I’ve learned that there is nothing we cannot achieve in life– we just have to learn how
Learn more about Find Your Element Workshops HERE