Your future friends, professional mentors, and peer community are ready to embrace and celebrate you!

Gender equality. Multiculturalism. LGBTQ inclusion. Are these normal for you? Because they’re normal for us. 

Living in Japan can be challenging, especially as an empowered woman. 

Whether you’ve felt singled out for being an engineer in a male-dominated environment, undervalued for being a trailing spouse, overlooked due to your gender or anything of the sort…we are here to create a safe space for modern women like YOU. It’s time to validate your experience, celebrate your skills, and lift each other up as empowered women! 


Our members have felt these challenges before joining FEW Japan. Can you relate? 

Are you:

  • feeling isolated and craving new connections? Maybe your only English-speaking friend has just gone back to her home country, or you’re located in rural Japan (where pickings are slim!).
  • a professional without any peers to confide in, seeking a safe space to gain insights and feel heard by women who know exactly what you’re going through?
  • wanting to reinvent yourself and find your purpose in Japan…or are pivoting your career but are feeling stuck? 
  • an English teacher seeking advice, introductions and networking support outside of the English-teaching bubble? 
  • an aspiring entrepreneur who wants to take your side hustle full time and needs contacts and game-changing support to get the ball rollin’? Or maybe…
  • an established business owner looking to scale your profile nationally, amplified through our badass women’s network?

We see you. We get you. And we can help!

FEW Japan is the go-to place for personal and professional development for English-speaking women in Japan. We offer regular opportunities for our diverse members to connect and build community together.

Watch our video, below!

Here’s how you benefit from being a FEW Japan Member:


Members-only Monthly Meetings with Expert Speakers


Learn from inspiring women on a variety of intriguing topics and current events! Recent topics have included digital transformation, readings from authors, how to obtain business funding, sustainability, diversifying tech and more.

All of our meetings include breakout room discussion time. This is the perfect place to gain a sense of belonging and camaraderie with a group of women across the country who you can relate to and connect with in between meetings!

Peer to Peer Mentoring


Imagine having direct access to a safe-space with diverse, English-speaking women to support you in your professional and personal journey. Our Peer-to-Peer Program of annual mentoring includes three different tracks to choose from for corporates, entrepreneurs, and pivoters figuring out their next steps, so you can pick a track and find your people! 

Career Strategy Seminar


Super-charge your energy and motivation through this full-day seminar where you will make friends and gain valuable professional insights and contacts. The seminar includes a series of workshops you choose based on your interests and background as a professional, entrepreneur, or a person looking to reinvent yourself. There is plenty of time for networking over lunch and during workshop activities. If you’re used to being one of a few women in the room, at this event you are in the majority and this will feel remarkably empowering!

Regional Stars Lunches


We aren’t just centered in Tokyo! Our community includes kickass women based in regional capitals across Japan. We are hosting regional lunches that rotate around the country. You become the star host, gather your regional network, invite FEW members near you to connect up and share your passion for your region, your professional projects, and more with the whole FEW community across the country. Apply to our “Regional Lunches Fund” to get support. We will have your back to ensure a successful event!

Special Events


We also hold annual special events including a Shinnenkai where individual members gain exclusive access to network with representatives of our valuable corporate members supporting our mission. And if you’re looking for that perfect excuse to get glam and boogie on down…the FEW Bonenkai Bash is the place to be for year-end-parties! And naturally, March is when we celebrate International Women’s Day and invite all our allies to celebrate women’s leadership and efforts to diversify the world of tech.


Why FEW Japan

FEW Japan is one of the longest running women's associations in Japan with 41 years of “HERstory” bringing together diverse women in a dynamic and supportive community blessed with over 2500+ supporters worldwide. Through exciting events and community building opportunities offered throughout the year, connect with 275+ women and many corporations and organizational members to build lasting and meaningful relationships with global-minded friends, professional mentors, business partners, and peers all committed to showing up for women’s empowerment in Japan.

Sarah Furuya's HERstory

HERstories video (Ms. Sarah Furuya) Sarah was the former President of FEW Japan from 2011-2013 and at our 40th Anniversary HERstories virtual lunch, she will be sharing her experiences of rebuilding the organization after the events of the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami.

Our Mission

FEW Japan was founded in 1981 and has been run solely by members for its members for over 40 years. Legally incorporated in July 2020, FEW Japan Not-for-Profit Incorporated Association is continuing this important legacy of building women’s empowerment as a member-serving legal entity advancing womxn’s empowerment in Japan.

FEW Japan Not-for-Profit Incorporated Association is governed by a Board of Directors who are elected for a two-year term. Chosen from amongst the membership as well as selectively recruited talent with skills that strengthen our organizational capacity and impact in Japan, the Board of Directors mobilizes diverse professional expertise and bilingualism.

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