P2P event, Decoding Your Individuality part 1a

P2P program overview poster

November 13th @ 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM (JST)

What is the P2P (Peer-to-Peer) Program?

This program is a unique opportunity for FEW Members to learn, grow and connect with each other, in the context of growing their own business, optimizing their experience on the job, or creating effective strategies to change their career.

Who Will Benefit from Joining P2P?

We believe that, if you describe yourself as one of the categories below, when you join us, you will find a rare opportunity to have a mastermind experience in English in Japan. This is a great way to find your community of like-minded women, and help each other grow. 

  • Corporates  – currently working at a company
  • Entrepreneurs –  already started or thinking about starting your own business
  • Pivoters and Inquisitors– for those looking to pivot their careers/get back into the workforce, or who are exploring their options

Your Hosts for FEW Japan Peer-to-Peer Events

FEW Membership Directors Shizuka Suzuki and Corinn Wilson are your hosts, with FEW Vice President Kyoko Nagano: we are all so thrilled that FEW members will be able to take advantage of this rare opportunity to help you achieve your goals, by identifying your own strengths, and learning to use them effectively. 

Decoding your Individuality

Session 1a) Nov. 13th  & 
Session 1b) Dec 11th

10:00am – 12:00pm  JST

Facilitator: Harumi Gondo 
Harumi Gondo was raised in the US and received her Master’s in Religion from Harvard Divinity School; she later taught religion and philosophy at Bergen Community College in New Jersey, US. She moved to Japan, worked in journalism and media development at UPI (United Press International) and later at Near Media as a journalism evaluation specialist training Pakistani journalists for a US Embassy-funded training program. She is in her final career, and has four different Personality Type Certifications and has created her own type certification program. She founded two personality type-based organizations, TypeLAB, an NPO for Japanese mothers and 16 Type, for companies and organizations. TypeLAB is the world’s only type-based in-person community, with 10 trainers, 75 core members and over 230 members. This year alone TypeLAB ran 318 sessions for mothers. Harumi has accumulated close to 8000 hours of training and loves supporting people in learning and developing their Type. 

What we’ll be doing

In this two-part session, Harumi has kindly offered her unique customized testing tool to help each participant get a broader perspective of her own core motivations. With this as the foundation, we’ll divide into groups, and use Harumi’s facilitation to clarify our understanding even further.

Before the session participants are welcome to register and type themselves on this site:


They will be given an access code and can access the site for free. They will end up with a four-letter code and so can show up before the first session with their type in mind. 

The Nov 13 and Dec 11 sessions will be interactive sessions that will help participants to identify their natural preferences with:

  • How they get energy (Introvert/Extravert)
  • How they take in information (Intuitive/Sensor)
  • How they make decisions (Thinker/Feeler)
  • How they prefer to organize themselves (Judger/Perceiver)

You’ll leave the second session with a clear sense of purpose that will make your approach to your business, project, or pivot more efficient. You’ll leave with concrete steps to help you reach your goals. 

After Dec 11th

So, you’ll have all this great information, right? What usually happens is we take these amazing learning experiences, and as busy, super-scheduled  women, it can be tricky to incorporate what we’ve learned into our daily lives.. Well, FEW Peer-to-Peer has had this experience too, and we believe we have a solution. We are very excited that after Dec 11th, Harumi will join us on the FEWsion Members-Only Slack Community once the events are finished, to interact with our members, share new learnings and help you keep your motivation.

We’ll have even more amazing events on design thinking and branding coming up to start your year off right! Mark your calendars: we’ll share more information in news for our members. 

Session 2:  January 8th – TBD

10:00 – 12:00  JST

Session 3:  March 12th – TBD

10:00 – 12:00  JST

Sign-up for this Event!

Note: This event is for FEW Members only.

For FEW Members – This event is FREE.  However, you must LOG IN and sign up to receive the Zoom link.

We look forward to seeing you online!

This is an exclusive program for FEW Members. If you haven’t joined FEW yet, here’s the link to do that too:
